
Mississippi Catholic Bishops, Religious Leaders Denounce Personhood Bill

SanFranciscoZionist11/06/2011 10:35:25 am PST

re: #685 Obdicut

What really annoys me about Romney’s statement is the absolute, shameless hypocrisy of it.

He’s flat-out saying Obama has no right to be the President. And he’s saying that’s because he’s divisive.

Well, what is saying that a President, duly elected under law, has no right to be president? Isn’t that divisive?

It’s personally and deepy insulting to me.

I voted for Obama. So did an AWFUL lot of other Americans. More of us liked him than liked the other guy. So he gets to be President.

This is not ‘divisive’, unless you decide that Americans who didn’t vote for Obama have no obligation to accept him as president. I did not like George W. Bush. I did not vote for him. I’m not even sure that the Supreme Court decided justly when they gave him his first term. However, he was president, and while I disapproved of most of what he did, I would never have said he did not deserve to be president because he was ‘divisive’.

What Romney says boils down to, “If someone my side doesn’t like, we will scream and yell and behave badly, so isn’t it better to elect someone we like, so we’ll give y’all a break?”

Which is a hop, skip and a jump away from, “Vote Republican, or we’ll fuck you up.”