
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

chipbennett8/08/2009 5:15:55 pm PDT

re: #228 Charles

No — the reason why people are going to be labeled “mobs” or “kooks” is because there’s a sizeable contingent of right-wing people who ARE acting like mobs full of kooks. This isn’t something being made up by the Dems or the media.

Just so that we’re on the same page: what do you define as “acting like mobs full of kooks”?

I’m only asking to ensure we’re talking about the same thing. From what I’ve seen, the only over-the-line activity has come from the ObamaCare supporters camp:

- “Reserving” prime seating at townhall events for bussed-in ObamaCare supporters
- Preventing protesters from entering the townhall facility
- Sneaking bussed-in ObamaCare supporters in through a side door
- Pointing bullhorns in protesters’ faces
- Ripping signs out of people’s hands
- Shoving their way into and to the front of crowds of protesters
- Roughing up townhall attendees
- Slapping the face of political opponents
- Physically assaulting political opponents

I just want to make sure I’m not missing things that you’re hearing, that the ObamaCare protesters are doing that is over the line.

Because, any other differences aside, I agree with you: we should not condone over-the-line (and especially illegal) behavior.

By the way, most of these townhalls are happening in democratic districts, and the attendees are not just Republican, but are independents and Democrats, as well.