
New ABC/WaPo Poll: 70% of Americans Disapprove of GOP's Shutdown Games

lawhawk10/07/2013 12:57:46 pm PDT

The polling will not sway the GOP one iota. They believe so totally in trying to wrest control of government, slice and dice federal spending, and kill the ACA that they’ll pursue this disastrous course of action until the bitter end.

And that end may be just a few days from now. The shutdown is insignificant when compared to the disastrous effects of default (what happens when the debt ceiling isn’t raised). The GOP clearly doesn’t know or care what happens if their demands aren’t met.

The President and Democrats are standing firm against the GOP efforts to extract further cuts in spending, chopping the ACA, etc. and the GOP has no exit strategy - no fallback position if they can’t get any kind of concession.

Thing is, they already have concessions from the Democrats that they choose to overlook since they’re greedy bastards. The Democrats are working off CRs/appropriations that are based on sequester levels - not pre-sequester levels. They’re essentially making those cuts permanent, regardless of the utility of the program and spending impacts.

A rational GOP would take this and call it a day, but the GOP isn’t rational. They’re after Obama’s legacy, and they’re going to destroy the economy if that’s what it takes.

So the polling will not affect them. In fact, they’ll wear it like a badge of honor, use their pigheadedness in campaign mailers to solicit donations from GOP/TPers, and they will have a case of smug knowing that gerrymandering leaves them with advantages in the House because nearly all of their TP seats are safe. And more extremists are waiting in the wings to go after those GOPers who they deem insufficiently extreme.