
Two Off-Duty Cops Prove What Young Women Know About Who's Really to Blame for Rape - PolicyMic

KerFuFFler10/29/2013 7:21:02 am PDT

re: #6 AntonSirius

That comes across to me as demanding that men be held responsible for their own actions.

It just so happens I agree that men should be responsible for their actions. But just saying, “What if men didn’t rape?” seems like dangerous wishful thinking rather than an actual plan to hold men responsible by revising education and making the rape prosecution process fairer to victims. Changing society’s attitudes takes work.

It is awful that so many guys don’t take sexual responsibility seriously and I don’t think we can rely entirely on parents teaching their sons restraint and respect for women. Is this an issue that gets discussed in sex-ed generally? If it is, they should spend more time on that subject.

I don’t think that women who got raped while they were drunk deserved it or are to blame for it or are responsible for it. It sickens me that people on juries often seem to cut rapists slack if the woman was drunk. In a court of law, it seems to me that the drunkenness of the victim is further proof of lack of consent so it should help to convict the perpetrators.

But that does not mean that we should give up on trying to prevent such crimes by teaching girls to be careful. It burns me up that people interpret such advice as tacitly blaming victims.

Guys like the one in the scenario here don’t even consider themselves to be criminals, so analogies to serial killers are ludicrous.

I made no analogy to serial killers unless acknowledging that muggers, rapists and serial killers are all criminals is an analogy.

…but rather that when they binge-drink they make themselves more vulnerable to criminals of all stripes——-muggers, rapists and serial killers.

I fail to see what is ludicrous about this.