
Pentecostal pastors in Africa push prayer, not drugs, for people with HIV

ThatPirateGuy12/22/2013 9:51:15 am PST

I am a big fan of this site and the contributors. I saw this link on my Skeptics page: Saudi Arabia’s Religious Police Outlaw ‘Tempting Eyes’

I followed up on it and noticed it didn’t follow the Four Ws. It had Where, Who and a stupid Why but no When. So I followed the links David Keyes cited and it lead to USATODAY They weren’t the source so I followed their link to Bikyamasr and that link is down. So I went to Bikya Masr’s (go Misr!) Facebook page and they had….. nothing. Which I found suspicious considering they have an article Bukkaked all over the internet and they weren’t promoting or even acknowledging it’s existence.

So I emailed them and asked “S’up with the article?” No word as yet. I called bullshit on the Daily Beast’s comment section and posted with links why and emailed their editor. I blame Charles Johnson and the contributors at LGF for making me this way. You guys and the fellas at Cracked.