
Stormfront or SJW?

Orange Impostor5/01/2015 5:06:56 am PDT

re: #5 Nyet

You know, I don’t really give a fuck about GG itself (“gaming journalism” lol who the fuck cares), but this is exactly what Killgore’s m.o. was regarding Occupy. Take some individual miscreants who “rape”, “stab”, “shit on cars” and “are antisemites” (and there were plenty of miscreants associated with Occupy, because, surprise surprise, there’s no way of controlling who joins in) and put the blame for them on everybody who associates with the group. I was against it then and I’m against it now. I’m pretty sure there are more honest ways to criticize GG than painting all participants as supporters of threats, doxxing, MRA and whatnot.

Frankly, GG may even be douches in general for all I care, but promoters of double standards aren’t that far behind.

The issue is that unlike Occupy, which was very much a leaderless movement that pretty much anyone with an axe to grind against “the 1%” associated with - and as a result did have a very small minority of miscreants, the “Gamergate” community is very much one that has been taken over by the “men’s rights” movement, which is literally a cesspool of misogyny. To call it the equivalent of the Tea Party movement for the MRAs is not at all inaccurate.

The beforementioned Roosh Vorek is one of the main leaders of “Gamergate” movement, and not coincidentally he is also one of the most vocal in the men’s rights advocate movement, running the utterly vile “Return of Kings” website.

Just consider this - do you really want to be in the same camp as Charles C Johnson and Alex Jones on this discussion? Because both are well documented as being in the “pro-gamergate” group.