
Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer: Sweden Democrats

Gus9/18/2010 11:01:11 am PDT

re: #4 Summer

I find it amazing that the mainstream media still treats these batshit insane “movement leaders” with any credibility whatsoever. Think about how many connections she has to outright Nazi leaders, just as with Buchanan, and journalists still invite them as an equal partner in discussions with rational people to try to counter their craziness.

The media should be completely ashamed for being this ignorant, stupid, and foolish.

In many respects I don’t think the media even cares anymore. It is run by highly payed and thus out of touch individuals who treat their profession as another 9 to 5 job — and with that comes professional apathy. And like most large corporations the employees follow the guidelines set forth by the top brass. There is no longer an interest in news or getting at the truth. It is simply a matter of ratings and advertising revenue.