
Jon Stewart on Bill O'Reilly's Nazi Analogies

elizajane1/28/2011 11:53:38 am PST

OK, that was hilarious, and the speeding “but I was late!” analogy worked perfectly.

However, the fact it that the right has no recourse but to fume with indignation when the left does a smidgen of what they do all the time. Otherwise they would have nothing to be indignant about.

Running up the deficit to incredible levels? “You spendthrift, wealth-redistributing Commies, we are fiscally responsible God-fearin’ folks.” They have to say it. Otherwise they’d have to say, “Yep, we f*cked up, instead of banking a massive budget surplus to put Social Security into the black for generations to come, we channeled all that money to our uber-wealthy donors and started a couple of unfunded wars. Wow, that was a mistake! We’re really sorry. And we won’t call anybody Nazis this week either.”

Not going to happen, right?