
Details of Sherrod's Suit Against Breitbart

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/14/2011 11:22:37 am PST

Like I wrote yesterday, Breitbart is too narcissistic to not whine like a stuck pig about his “right” to lie and defame being infringed on. He will dig an even deeper hole than he has already - including all of his various remarks after this blew up at him, and it really is an open and shut case.

Proving malice is not difficult since he himself stated many times, that his goal was to destroy liberals, Obama and his administration. He has said such things many different ways and many different times. Of course one could argue that posting and bemoaning a tape so heavily edited from the original that it said the opposite of what the speaker said with the obvious intent to paint the speaker as evil is prima facie evidence of malice,

Proving it was a lie that caused damage is obviously easy.

Proving that he did not do due diligence journalistically is also easy.

I truly hope and I suspect that he is stupid enough to fight.

He will go down and it will be glorious. I hope the punitive damages are in excess of millions - and I further hope the various conservatives rally round him and spend millions on a fruitless defense. That is a win all the way around because it only heightens his fall from grace, shuts him down more completely and drains millions that could be put to electing assholes like Rand Paul.