
Tech Note: New Features in LGF Connect

Birth Control Works8/08/2011 4:40:46 pm PDT

re: #6 austin_blue

My sister-in-law, who lives north of London (well out of War Zone (they have cottages with *thatching* in her village, for pity’s sake) e-mailed me this morning and asked me how her sister and I are doing during this heat wave/drought (she’s a Texas Girl, too). In passing, she noted that she had to wear a jacket this morning when taking the dogs for a walk.

In a flash of realization, I realized that I hate her with a hate that knows no bounds.

(Like the triple in that last sentence? I’m rather proud of the utter banality.)

Oh, and thank you, GOP, for what you have done to IRAs across the land. Well played. You bastards.


How do they get insurance for the house?