
Orthodox Abuse Suspects Get Exemption

researchok4/25/2012 8:13:35 am PDT

There are two problems here:

That every community wants to protect it’s own is not news. The bigger issue is why they want protect the problems in their midst. When group identity trumps morality, there is a problem within the group.

Recall Whitey Bulger in Boston, who was shielded from prosecution by Irish FBI agents and others later on. This guy was responsible for dozens of murders.

There was the tragic events in the banlieus of Paris, where Ilan Halimi was killed by self described ‘barbarians’. He was tortured for weeks- and no one said a word.

The same applies to women and girls in in many immigrant communities. They can and are subject to harassment and worse- and no one speaks up until after the fact.

The other problem is the authorities who respond to these kinds of pressures. The DA had no business even entertaining the idea of shielding the perpetrators in NY any more than the authorities had in refusing to protect a young girl in Canada who came to them for help and refused, for fear of ‘inciting’ the local religious authorities.

Here’s the deal: In protecting the community at large, Rabbis, Imams, Wiccan Priests and Priestesses ought not have any influence in prosecuting crime.


They can cry ‘persecution’ all they want but that isn’t worth the lives affected, maimed and ruined by the criminals in their midst.

And that is a lesson that must be learned by all.

There is a reason Lady Justice is blind.