
The Real Crash Is Dead Ahead as 2008 Is Forgotten

Bob Dillon7/31/2012 2:02:29 pm PDT

re: #5 researchok

Collectables - not a good choice unless you personally love art and are willing to keep it for sheer enjoyment.

Find things (or someone who can advise you) that you can buy with a front end discount and a known guaranteed back end value. You make your money in the up front discount rather than a hope it’s value will go up in the future. Do it with future tax free income potential if you can - now we’re talkin’.

But ya gotta know where you are first.

What would be prudent is getting ahold of your HR dept and have them reallocate your 401k to a fixed return entity (money market rate) - and just stand on the side for a while unless you are ready and willing to take another 2000/2008 style hit in its value. If I and all the others are wrong - so what? And I am willing to be wrong. You missed an up tick. Boo-hoo. You can always get back in.