
Orly Taitz's Obama 'birther' claims rejected in court – again

ausador1/04/2013 5:54:23 am PST

From this last weekend…

BREAKING NEWS – Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery.

As reported to AL HENDERSHOT, Editor of The Obama Hustle.

Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery. He also confirmed to KS SOS Kris Kobach that the information contained in the White House image isNOT “identical to” that in the official record.

More total bullshit, Alvin Onaka responded to Bennett’s written request for confirmation of the information as shown on Obama’s birth certificate by affirming that the information is correct. But Bennett also asked Onaka to “verify that the WH image was a true and accurate representation of the original record on file.”

The original record on file is the bound copy of the information in a birth registration book, it looks nothing like the birth certificate as printed on watermarked green scrolled security paper. The information is not listed in the same format either, so Onaka could not verify that the WH image was “identical to” the original record because it isn’t, and never will be on any other birth certificate either. All Onaka could do was verify that the information presented on the document was factually correct and matched the official record, which he did.

Bennett declared himself satisfied and Arizona dropped its challenge to Obama’s eligibility to be on the ballot. However the birthers have jumped on this “discrepancy” to once again declare the birth certificate a “forgery that even the Hawaii State Registrar will not certify as being authentic under oath.” The mind boggles at how utterly stupid these people are…