
Wednesday Night Jam: Blue Man Group Takes Over NPR

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/05/2016 8:16:25 pm PDT

Right wingers are jumping on the latest Hillary scandal bus: the girl asking a question at a campaign event is a child actress.

As usual, they’ve taken a teacup of evidence and turned into a reservoir of hate. Brennan Leach, 15, is what would be more truthfully termed an “aspiring actress.” She’s not listed in, since she’s not had any movie or TV roles (yet), and her page at casting networks shows mostly local and small-scale production gigs.

So, yeah, you could call her an actress, but she’s also a 15-year-old high school student, and the comments she made about body shaming are still true, even if a film star had made them.

Now that Brennan has been outed as an actress, I predict her bankability just went up 200%. Time for her to make some casting calls in NYC and LA.