
New From Keith Olbermann: The Insane Excuses From Trump's Surrogates

Blind Frog Belly White10/21/2016 12:20:11 pm PDT

re: #64 freetoken

That subdomain is still not available to me.

But the small shifts that have moved the polls a bit towards Drumpfskind tells me that the wikileaks thing is having an effect. Stupid as it is.

I’m not sure that’s true. I think what we might be seeing is the tendency of the big, more reputable firms reporting their weekly polls early in the week, and the last few weeks each batch has been devastating. Later in the week, it’s your Rasmussens, your IBD/TIPP, and such.

The thing is, a GOOD data analyst knows not to exclude any data without a solid reason to do so, or you just end up confirming what you want to believe.