
John Birch Society: 2009 Was a 'Record Setting Year'

Gus1/09/2010 4:28:05 pm PST

Looks like Thomas Sowell is going to be having his articles there. This is signaling the end of an era as Buckley spins in his grave.

Looking over at the JBS Community page the current crop of video includes those with Alex Jones, Nick Griffin, Glenn Beck, Ron Paul, et al. They still attract the conspiracy crackpots.

Some of there latest bit of paranoia I mean talking points from John F. McManus, President of JBS:

Will President Barack Obama’s speech boost public
support for the war in Afghanistan?

The speech by President Obama will likely change few minds. Those opposed to the continuation of this undeclared and therefore unconstitutional “war” will remain opposed. Those in favor will, for a time, stay in favor. But sentiment favoring participation in this conflict will continue to wane. The significance of the president starting his speech with authorization for our nation’s involvement emanating from NATO and the United Nations is highly noteworthy and should not be overlooked. He certainly didn’t cite the U.S. Constitution to justify this “war”! NATO arose in 1949 as a UN regional arrangement. The speech added one more reason why the U.S. should withdraw from the UN and all its subsidiaries, and why the American people should demand that all U.S. officials get back to adhering to the limitations in the U.S. Constitution.

Will the effort to fund a troop surge in Afghanistan divide the Democratic Party?

Anything that will divide the Democratic Party would be helpful to America. This party has, in general, become the socialist party of America and many of its members have been linked with the organization known as the Democratic Socialists of America. Socialism is, of course, the antithesis of Americanism. It was practiced in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and in the National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany. It would be wonderful for America if many of the Democrats in Congress would begin to honor their oath to the U.S. Constitution and work for less government, not more.

This is from there January 2010 bulletin which also feature a blurb about abolishing the Fed. Also includes the typical anti-CFR paranoia.