
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton1/08/2011 5:23:56 am PST

re: #64 sattv4u2


If you’re saying Bounjour to someone who didn’t want you in THEIR Toilette without them asking you to be there, they’ll be au revoiring you to emprisonner

The first time I went to Europe, for what ever reasons, I was most fascinated with the restroom culture. The unisex public restroom, the fact that even if there is a male/female restroom, you will have crossover if they are busy, the multiple type of toilets, sit downs and Turkish style.. and the multiple kinds of systems… one button for low flush, one button for heavy flush, buttons on the floors to operate the water faucet instead of a handle to turn water off and on in the sink… all sort of toilet innovations that we don’t see here in the states.