
Bad Lip Reading: Newt Gingrich Remix

Gus2/11/2012 6:01:31 pm PST

re: #68 sattv4u2

Omar Abdel-Rahman,,, 74 (and counting)

Criminal’s Life Expectancy

Much of the research into the lifespan of criminals has focused on gang members. These criminals typically start off with petty crimes, such as shoplifting, but quickly progress into more significant or violent crimes, increasing the danger. This is a violent and dangerous business, where guns are an everyday reality. Teens and, increasingly even younger children, become part of the gang lifestyle earlier, dramatically increasing the possibility that they will be killed by violence at a young age. The average gang member lives to be just 20 years and 5 months old. With the average US life expectancy at 78 years, gang members can expect to live just over a quarter of this.