
How the Privatization of NASA's The Learning Channel devolved into a for-profit channel pushing Honey Boo Boo

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/09/2012 1:25:53 pm PDT

re: #67 Destro

Let me see what did I write:

Let me see what else you did write:

But a public funded example of PBS like station being defunded and privatized existed before. What can we learn from that?

So when Mitt Romney and the Republicans talk about how much better off PBS would be de-funded, remember what privatization did to TLC

Again: PBS is a private entity. Warning against the privatization of PBS is ludicrous. Warn against the defunding. I’ll be right there with you. Call for more funding. I’ll support the fuck out of that. But you just make yourself look like you’ve got no fucking clue what you’re talking when you don’t even know that PBS is already private.