
Wikileaks Gitmo Documents Released

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/25/2011 8:21:26 am PDT

re: #695 Gus 802

Sometimes it rads like a 15 years old boy having his first can of beer. Which is all to common these days. Heck, it’s the intertoobs.

they’re all excited, some angry grandpa, some guy in Minnesota who finally figured out he can go find all the people who think like he does on Hot Air

And I just giggle and go, silly children, silly HotAir commenters, I was arguing lit and death metal and politics on the internet and uuencoding warez and telneting to exotic locales when you thought computers were witches come to steal your Jesus

Hot Air! They couldn’t have picked a better name. The farts of undereducated fools from all across the fruited plain, stained with the drool of a thousand tools