
Gradual Change We Can Believe In

Scion92/20/2009 7:13:01 pm PST

re: #695 Scion9

I have actually seen this point forwarded before, having gone back and read the article in full.

Woman’s rights were definitely forwarded in the western world by labor movements to a large extent, and the lack of a need to expand the workforce to women in Islam majority countries could hypothetically account for a lack of reform; but it can’t be said to be the ‘source’ of sexism.

There were Arab subcultures among the sedentary tribes that were much more egalitarian than what we see in Arabia now, in the pre-Islamic era. Along comes the nomadic Bedouin raider-subsumed Islamic creed, and the region is awash in a regressive slaver ideology. This was obviously a long time before anyone was drilling for oil.

It also of course goes nowhere in addressing the lasting sexism in a specific Islamic fashion in all of those Muslim nations that have no oil, and horrible economies.