
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

Right mind left4/15/2009 2:52:12 pm PDT

re: #612 Wendya

I have sent countless letters, emails and phone calls to my representatives. What do I receive in return? Form letters that don’t address my concerns.

Interestingly enough, my state representative showed up and stayed far in the background watching the crowd. He was gauging the mood of the crowd and listening to the democrats who spoke of their disgust for the tax and spend mentality of Washington and our state. He listened because he knows in my county, 100 votes can swing an election. You better believe politicians are paying attention.

My concern is that ACORN and the census will be involved so the voters votes won’t make any difference, unless it is in droves, which I worry will be counteracted by the other planned techniques of letting newly legal immigrants the right to vote and other tactics.

I have also written to reps and gotten form letters in return.

I would like to see something constructive done NOW, that is constructive and can effect changes to the actions happening by the Administration that will be seriously detrimental to our future.

My question is what can we DO. Draft legislation? I watch the GOP get shot down for anything they bring to the table. So how can we, the voters, be heard today? Is it a lost cause until the next election? That I fear could be too late…