
Video: A Fantastic 4-Song Concert by Neil Finn, at KEXP

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/26/2014 6:10:28 pm PDT

I was just kvetching with my friend Andrew about how even action movies aren’t as fun any more, they’re not as cheeky and fun. Too many try to be grimdark but just wind up kind of laughable, and too many have just complete ubermensch heroes so there’s never any actual dramatic tension.

And romcoms, which used to actually be one of the wittiest and most interesting areas, like in The Philadelphia Story, Coming To America—but that’s because the romance was secondary to a larger plot. Now it’s just all about the romance and it’s generally either manic-pixie-dream-girl enlivens life of too-stiff guy, or it’s ‘love triangle with one clear winner’.