
Another Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: "NFL 2019"

Belafon2/03/2019 3:55:24 pm PST

Here’s an interesting parallel for Northam: Damon Wayans Jr. made some homophobic and transphobic comments approximately ten years ago that have now come to light. Here’s his statement regarding them:

When I was a young comic trying to find my voice, I made some immature and hurtful tweets that I deeply regret at the expense of the LGBTQ community. When I tweeted those comments, almost 10 years ago, I was unaware of the emotional impact they could have. I am not excusing that behavior but that is not who I am today. Society evolved and so have I and it is something I will continue to do both personally and professionally. You know better, you do better.

Is that enough? Would that be enough for a politician to keep his job?