
Overnight Ocean Thread

lrsshadow11/07/2009 5:54:30 am PST

Between meetings on Thursday I was listening to a congressman on the phone who was talking about a little girl (child) who was reading him the riot act telling him “keep you hands of my body” and “don’t kill my grandma” plus many other interesting catch phrases.

He was saying that he has never seen anything like it before.

One congressman I was meeting with said that an anti-health care bill protester was berating him about the bill. The congressman said “have you read the bill?” the guy said “no” and the congressman reply “well then how can you tell me to or not vote on a bill you know nothing about? go read the bill and then come back and tell me what parts of it you don’t like, but don’t stand here and waste my time if you don’t know anything about it.”