
Murdoch Meltdown Update: Chief Exec Rebekah Brooks Arrested

Killgore Trout7/17/2011 12:08:11 pm PDT

re: #65 mr.fusion

You can’t help but wonder what this means for NewsCorp here in the States…let’s say ever American news outlet owned by NewsCorp is 100% clean. Let’s suspend all disbelief and pretend that the individuals who came over here from News of the World etc just abandoned these practices when they crossed the Atlantic…at the very least this should be the end of all credibility for any NewsCorp owned property

I think the real sticking issue is finacial. Even if there was no phone hacking here in the states the company is owned in the us. They were paying bribes and hush money in the UK. How did the American Accountants handle those payments? At the very least NewsCorp here in the USA if going to have legal issues over their accounting and probably international fraud and corruption charges.