
Allen West Refuses to Apologize for Ugly Email to Wasserman Schultz

Buck7/21/2011 11:13:24 am PDT

re: #38 allegro

Wasserman-Schulz actual comments that prompted West’s reply:

“The gentleman from Florida. who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries, unbelievable from a Member from South Florida,” Wasserman Schultz said, saying the legislation “slashes Medicaid and critical investments essential to winning the future in favor of protecting tax breaks for Big Oil, millionaires, and companies who ship American jobs overseas.”

Man, what a bitch!/

Of course she said that in public. Where his comment was sent in a private email that she made public.

Not defending what he said, but I know a lot of good people who have emailed something thinking that it is a private conversation….