
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on the Debate's Classic Benghazi Moment

ReamWorks SKG10/18/2012 4:58:42 pm PDT

I’m back from NY!

BTW: I have no idea why the conservative press is making a big deal over “act of terror” vs “terror attack”. It was Romney who said that Obama didn’t call it an “act of terror”. That’s how Romney phrased it.

I don’t understand how Romney is doing better in the polls recently. He seems like a bumbling fool to me, and I’m not a big fan of Obama (but I’ve already voted for him, absentee, in CA).

BTW: Romney’s itemized deduction cap will have a disproportionate affect on blue states. There the ones with the highest state income tax and, for most people, that’s the largest single deduction. This is why Republicans like it.