
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

guftafs2/12/2009 5:37:07 am PST

But in this case I have fallen victim to an Internet prank. Johnson’s response to my joining this group was so swift that I suspect that the group itself, and its invitation that I join it, was a hoax and a setup,

[ SOFT WOMAN’S VOICE ECHOING INSIDE SPENCER’S HEAD]: Yes, Robert. It was all a setup, an elaborate fraud made for you and others like you, the great mass of individuals straddling between open support of fastists/racists and preserving a respectable front. You see, the whole world centres around you, if not all the time, then most of the time, and people like Charles Johnson, who really only are like fifth pike-bearer from the left in your life’s story, have nothing better to do than to scheme against you, how to next embarrass you publicly. That’s all they’re really about. Anyone sane can see that. You really couldn’t help it Robert, you only mean well, it wasn’t your fault. Who are you to blame? You are a scholar, Robert, and an important scholar, not running the risk of turning into the token Hausjude to sinister forces as some vile people perhaps would claim, now come take my hand …