
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

MJBrutus3/12/2009 4:23:24 pm PDT

You caved on the stupid Rush flap. Don’t knuckle under this time Michael. Show some balls and tell the single-issue, fuck the country to save the embryos, hard-core, in your face bible bleaters to fuck off and die.

What’s killing (or is that past tense?) our party is the allegiance to the anti-abortion crowd. I’m sorry, but that’s just the plain-spoken truth. I cannot tell you how often I hear people who would be open to or even support conservative ideas refuse to consider voting for a Republican because the party has been captured by dogmatic zealots. I don’t give a flying jump about the issue, but I care greatly that we have allowed it to dominate the idea-space of so much of our body politic. I deplore the damage that we have done to conservatism by striking this bargain with the pious, devout devils who won’t shut up.

I’ve got my flame retardant undies on, and can take the heat from the self-appointed “right to life, “culture of life,” “blah blah blah of life” crowd who wants to fire back.