
The Human Family Tree

McSpiff9/05/2010 10:01:23 pm PDT

re: #707 Jimmah

Nice save. Not

I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go…

I know it never really began, but in my heart, it’s so real, and she spoke to me and she said…


PS I do hope you sort this shit out Mc Spiff, because I think there is a sensible person in there still. Wingnuts get themselves banned through their sheer stupidity, so why are you giving us shit when they get banned?

Alright, maybe I’m not being clear, or maybe we just disagree. Not sure, but I’ll give it another shot.

You generally see two types of bannings here.

The first is pure troll. Usually a sock used to say what a poopy head charles is. We all get a good laugh, D_F fires up the grill and the community is better for it. Totally opposite effect of what they think they’re accomplishing I’d say.

The other banning is the Wingnut with 50k posts and more karma than you can shake a stick at. These people generally poison the well for months, and then go off and post at stalker blogs.

But once they’re banned, they’re banned. They can’t do anymore damage. The only damage they can do is when people don’t shut up about them. So I’m sorry if you feel like I’m defending Mandy over you. I’m not. But her damage is very much done. I feel like you and Ice do a diservice to yourselves and LGF when you do the “omg do you know Mandy is a stalker now?” Seriously, why should anyone give a fuck?