
Overnight Open Thread

Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)2/20/2009 7:13:32 am PST

In honor of Zero’s first month on his very first job… here is my official Age of Obama screw up list (please note I did not record his dicked up cabinet picks as his screw ups… I understand how some would, I didn’t… so there. :-)

Age of Obama Part 1

20 Jan 09

1) Teamed up with Chief Justice Roberts to botch the Oath

2) Blew off the Medal of Honor Winner Ball (first president to do so since its inception in 1953)

22 Jan 09

3) While signing an executive order, Obama asked WH Counsel Greg Craig what the order meant. The order closes Gitmo and stops Military Trials of detainees.

23 Jan 09

4) In response to a modest tax cut proposal by Republicans at a “bi-partisan” meeting with congressmen, Obama responded “I’m gonna trump you on that, I won” thus ending any “bi-partisan” talk.

5) US drones launch a missile strike in Pakistan, applying Obama’s campaign slip to “invade Pakistan”. Pakistanis react by releasing A.Q. Khan, the nuclear enabler.

26 Jan 09

6) Obama gives first formal interview since becomng president to Al-Arabyia TV. Apologized for the US.

27 Jan 09

7) A major Ice Storm cripples Kentucky, nearly 30 deaths, the Obama administration does nothing but after a week or so declares KY a disaster area. This after condeming the Bush adminstration’s handling of Katrina. MSM runs cover by ignoring the storm.

29 Jan 09

8) While having campaigned chiding us on keeping our thermostats set too high, it comes to light that Obama keeps the White House at a toasty 80 degrees. Press spokesman blows off criticism citing Obama’s Hawaii roots, a place he’s only visited since the 1970’s.

30 Jan 09

9) Obama makes a public announcement of the formation of a “Middle Class Task Force”. Problem is, the task force formed and started doing whatever it does during the transition. This was a purely symbolic “re-announcement”.

2 Feb 09

10) Eliminates the playing of “Hail to the Chief” in favor of playing Sting’s “Desert Rose” when he officially enters a room.

3 Feb 09

11) Tom Daschle removes himself from consideration as a cabinet officer because of failure to pay taxes as does the person nominated as “performance czar”, part of a long line of appointments that didn’t feel the need to follow the rules they inflict on the rest of us.

12) President for two weeks, Obama makes an appearance at a school and announces “he’s tired of being in the White House.”

5 Feb 09

13) Seeing his Porkulus Bill falling apart in the Senate, Obama writes a OpEd in the Washington Post demanding it get passed NOW or the sky will surely fall.

14) White House announces they may drop the charges against the USS Cole’s bomber, but that they will talk to the family members first and might re-institute the charges later. (Now that’s decisiveness for you!)

15) In his third event of the day, Obama pledges that the sky is really falling in a prime time campaign speech at the Democrat Retreat after having bragged that he used the event as an excuse to fly Air Force 1 from Andrews AFB to Williamsburg VA… 160 miles.

6 Feb 09

16) Obama drops all charges against USS Cole attackers.

17) Control of the Census is moved from the Dept. of Commerce to the control of the White House and Rahm Emmanuel.

13 Feb 09

18) Not detered by the campaign talking point that “Bush was just fearmongering” about Iran and Nukes, the Obama adminstration recognizes that Iran really is trying to build a bomb.

19) Congress passes a 1,000 page (+) “stimulus” package mortaging the future of the country, without either the 5 day “sunshine” window Obama promised in the campaign OR the 48 hour look-see period the House promised. On top of that, not a single representative has actually read the document they are in such a hurry to pass. No one on earth knows what kind of crap is in there.