
Seth Meyers: Trump Issues Threats Amid Bolton Impeachment Bombshell [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/28/2020 1:03:08 am PST

re: #71 Dr Lizardo

Graham’s probably terrified of facing a RWNJ primary challenger, so he’s gonna go along with Trump to the bitter end.

I get the feeling that the GOP has decided they’re gonna “dance with who brung ‘em”, which is Trump….and if that means they go down with the ship, well, so be it.

As far as Kentucky goes, they are essentially in the general election season already, since McConnell doesn’t have to worry about a primary challenger.

He does have to worry about the fact he’s stuck in Washington and Amy McGrath is free to travel all over the state and be available to local media.