
Trevor Noah: Bitcoin Is Tanking, Trump Trashes Crypto & the FBI Breaks the Code

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire6/09/2021 6:25:02 am PDT

The rule of unintended consequences.

‘You are a moron.’ North Carolina county ends Coke vending machine ban after pushback

“I’m here tonight because the commission has made a decision that directly impacts our business and the livelihood of the 37 employees and their families that work here in Surry County,” she said. “We’re respectfully asking that you reconsider your actions.”

And in true rethuglican fashion.

“I am holding my ground because I feel like that’s the right thing for me to do,” Tucker said Monday. “I was trying to send a message to the flagship Coca-Cola and if there were some casualties beneath, sorry about that.”

Looser interpretation: I don’t care if my futile grandstanding could have cost you your job and home. I’ve got mine so fuck off.