
Rand Paul Campaign: It Was a Secret Double Reverse Undercover Liberal

researchok9/08/2010 10:27:36 am PDT

re: #67 bloodstar

But you’re forgetting that right now the Republican party is all about the short term. Their entire point is the here and now. Who cares if it screws the Party or country over long term. We’ll worry about that in 3 years or 5 years or 10. After all, as we can see, the memories are short so why worry about what people are going to think down the road?

And in this environment, all they have to do is tar the opposition enough so that the independents don’t vote. and their energized base will come out and vote. They have nothing positive to offer, and why should they? The think they have a winning strategy right now.

And who knows, maybe it’s going to win and they’ll be in power and the economy will tank more and they’ll continue to blame Obama and the Democrats and we’ll have President Palin or Huckabee or Romney with strong Republican majorities in Congress. Don’t you get it? they don’t think they’re cutting their own throats.

The Republican Party is willing to burn America to the ground if it means they can rule over the ashes.

I just don’t see it.

I can say if the GOP keeps pandering they;ll be frozen out in the medium to long term, at least until they clean house.

As to committing political suicide, I believe these guys are more interested in surviving.