
State of the Union Address, The Wrap-Up

pinkbunny1/24/2012 11:32:05 pm PST

President Obama does another ninja move, GOP ready to cry!

“WASHINGTON — In a daring nighttime raid Tuesday, U.S. Navy SEALs rescued two hostages, including one American, who were being held by kidnappers in Somalia, U.S. officials tell NBC News.
The first indication of the rescue operation came Tuesday night in Washington from President Barack Obama himself.

As the president entered the House chambers to give his State of the Union Speech, he pointed to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta standing in the crowd and said, “Leon. Good job tonight. Good job tonight.” The president made no mention of the hostage rescue, but finished his speech with a reference to the killing of Osama bin Laden last May in a similar operation to the one conducted by Navy SEALs Tuesday night. “