
Overnight Open Thread

Wyatt Earp1/20/2009 6:40:46 am PST

re: #708 yesandno

Not far from the Obama worship. It has to do with feeling. With individual feelings about ourselves. Who we are, who we could be. For some this is a challenge to better ourselves. For too many it is a dream that should come true without any of us having to compare it to any reality, do any work.

These are feeling of making us individually feel good…nothing to do with country, or sacrifice, or putting off till tomorrow. ME ME ME NOW NOW NOW.

JFK is what happens when the celebrity overshadows the reality. History is proving him a lot less effective President then the times conveyed in the 1960’s. The same will happen to Obama unless he does a lot more homework then he has so far.

We are in the age of self worship, self gratification, self importance….a whole generation that started with my own. I hope we survive it all.

And they both have done little, if anything.