
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

Decatur Deb7/06/2011 10:25:01 am PDT

re: #722 CuriousLurker

Been lurking. I believe the bottom line for Milty is something like this: 1.) The hated/feared Muslims are raping & impregnating “our” women. 2.) They and “their” women are out-reproducing us at an alarming rate. 3.) We have given “our” women too much control over their sexuality, and they selfishly are killing our babies without nary a care for the negative impact on Western culture.

The looming Muslim threat must be stopped (because there are no moderate Muslims, only fanatics who wish to take over the world and subjugate the rest of “us”). The only sure way to stop the threat is to monitor & control our women’s reproductive organs. If that means we have to be more like the very people we fear & hate, then so be it.

Standard ‘Blood and Soil’ crap. It’s widespread and durable.