
WATCH: Bill Maher and Ben Affleck Tear Into Each Other Over Islam

klys (maker of Silmarils)10/07/2014 4:07:55 pm PDT

I guess it’s a good thing there aren’t any modern examples of Christian nations that want to do things like execute folks for being homosexuals or anything along those lines, right? Or, you know, Christian commenters in the US demanding that women who have abortions should be hung.

Otherwise we might have to acknowledge that there are maybe factors at play other than the religion of choice, here, like the surrounding environment and whether someone is predisposed to be a fundamentalist towards their religion of choice, and that extremists of all religions behave very similarly, and that just maybe the differences in surrounding environment has a shitload more to do with anything than the religion involved.

I mean, unless you’re going to claim that those numbers you’re flinging around apply to Muslims in the US, for example.