
In Which Donald Trump Retweets Yet Another Antisemitic White Supremacist

Scottish Dragon3/24/2016 12:36:19 pm PDT

Aaaaaand here is the golden wingnut nugget hidden in yesterday’s NC bugfuck insane sooper sekrit ZOMG Trannies!!!!!! law rammed through in a surprise one day session:

This statement from the North Carolina State AFL-CIO may shed some light on the real motive for this effort:

Finally, another provision of HB 2 strips away the right of private sector employees to use state law to challenge workplace discrimination. If enacted, it would have North Carolina join Mississippi as the only state without any state law protecting private sector employees from workplace discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability.

H/T Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism at Balloon Juice

It’s a wingnut bucket list of 1890’s Koch bros/Art Pope social engineering. The only thing they missed was putting 10 year old kids back into 12 hour shifts at Cone Mills…but only because the denim mills all went to China about 20 years ago.