
Overnight Acoustic Jam: Ian Ethan Case, "The Infinite Race" (18-String Guitar)

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam4/05/2016 5:57:15 am PDT

Reading over Trump’s two-page memo, I realized it’s basically extortion..

Nice country ya got there. Be a shame if somethin’ happens ta it.
Tell ya what, send us money and nothin’ bad’s gonna happen t’ya.
But, if ya don’t cooperate wit’ us, here’s what’ll happen.

We make it so your people can’t send any dough back home. We might hafta step on a few businessmen’s toes to make dat happen, but we know how to cut deals.

Then, if dat don’t make ya fork over da money, we’ll make it so sending stuff to us is going hurt ya big time. Fuck those trade agreements we signed already. And our own businessmen.

If dat don’t work, then we’ll cancel all your people’s travel papers and make it more expensive to get them. I’d advise ya not ta do the same ting to our people, or there’ll be trouble bigly.

Ya got dat, Mexico?