
Seth Meyers: Trump's Shutdown Really Is Making America Less Safe [VIDEO]

Hecuba's daughter1/24/2019 9:44:51 pm PST

re: #68 Belafon

Three boys, all vaccinated, including one that got the early chicken pox vaccine, two that got early versions of the HPV vaccines which required a booster earlier, and they are all doing fine. As someone who got the chicken pox as a kid, and the scarlet fever after, I would much rather have them vaccinated. There are a number of things kids could get that I’m glad they don’t. And while they won’t have a problem, I am getting close to the age where I need to start thinking about shingles.

BTW, that was the nice version if what I’m thinking.

I’m not saying not to vaccinate — it’s just a question of whether it might be safer to administer them over a somewhat longer period of time.