
Debunking the Latest Climate Denial Claim

iceweasel10/03/2009 10:26:00 am PDT

re: #57 Bloodnok

Yes, and with the GOP putting its eggs in the “It’s not so bad, and might even be good for us” basket (if not outright denial) it’s now a political life or death struggle to prove that the Democrats are not right about this.

Had the GOP gotten on board with this a decade or two ago the argument would be over rival solutions (for we know the two parties, even in agreement over the problem would have found wildly different solutions -it’s just the way it is) instead of the current “It’s real! No it isn’t!” debate we currently have. And with the science supporting the “It’s real” camp the GOP just solidifies its image as anti-science. It doesn’t mean that people on the right are all anti-science. It just means that their party is taking them down that path whether they like it or not.

I’m not sure. The debate over the science is another extension of the GOP’s scorched earth (in this case, not entirely a metaphor) policy. They’ve got one plan basically: Fuck the Democrats. They’ll fuck them on anything, anytime, anywhere. Total party of No.

And you’re right that it just shores up the anti-science elements in the party and base. I’m not so sure that’s an accident either.