
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #5: 'What Ever Happened To Scorpio?'

What, me worry?7/25/2010 7:05:29 am PDT

re: #71 marjoriemoon

They’re talking about the idea of bringing racism out in the open in this administration - our inability to discuss racism, but there’s a woman on the panel who is the WH communications director who specifically said that Breitbart aired the video to try to prove that the NAACP is a racist organization, so that was terrific.

EJ Dionne is on the panel and I adore that man. He wrote a column about it which is coming out tomorrow, but highlighted all the points we talk about here on LGF.

Someone else was quoted, I didn’t catch the name, as saying the Whitehouse should have a department that specifically deals with this issue. I think that’s wise. As an example, Israel has a government dept that deals with anti-Semitism which was originally headed by Sharansky before he retired.

Sorry I misquoted that. Gregory quoted a column from Maureen Dowd and she talked about a dept to deal with racism.

It was Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist, who, after hearing the entire speech, pushed to get it out and helped clear Sherrod’s reputation on CNN.

The president shouldn’t give Sherrod her old job back. He should give her a new job: Director of Black Outreach. This White House needs one.

Dowd interviewed Congressman Clyburn (D-SC) in that article who said:

“I don’t think a single black person was consulted before Shirley Sherrod was fired - I mean c’mon,” said Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina, a black lawmaker so temperate that he agreed with an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal on Friday by Sen. James Webb of Virginia, which urged that “government-directed diversity programs should end.”

“The president’s getting hurt real bad,” Clyburn told me. “He needs some black people around him.” He said Obama’s inner circle keeps “screwing up” on race: “Some people over there are not sensitive at all about race. They really feel that the extent to which he allows himself to talk about race would tend to pigeonhole him or cost him support, when a lot of people saw his election as a way to get the issue behind us. I don’t think people elected him to disengage on race. Just the opposite.”

But then why would he want government diversity programs to end? Maybe I’m missing something.