
Romney Decides It's More Politically Expedient Not to Ban the Press

darthstar7/29/2012 12:58:39 pm PDT

Finished my first triathlon this morning. 1:27:10. 1/2 mile swim, 9 mile ride, 2 mile run…lost a ton of time on the swim as I wasn’t prepared for all the people around me and found myself stopping to let other swimmers pass as I didn’t like all the bumping in the water. Probably added a good four or five minutes to my swim. But the water was warm (63 degrees) and several people swam it without a wetsuit. Didn’t stick around to get my split times, but I think my transitions were good - slipped out of my wetsuit quickly, and the bike to run transition was all of two minutes. Of course, there are people who completed the entire thing in under 45 minutes, but they’ve also got about 3% body fat and are really fucking fast…me, I’m just a fast fucker(wait, what?).