
The Copenhagen Diagnosis

doubter444411/24/2009 9:22:11 pm PST

re: #719 speakingtruthtogroupthink

Only 6 1/2 feet you say? Will that be deep enough to cleanse the coasts of all blue muck that has built up on our shores?

Fuck off.
I’m not in a good mood, and that kind of glib generalization always bugs me, but tonight in particular, pisses me off.
From your nic, you seem to be a piss pot wanker awfully full of yourself.
So perhaps you do actually wish the death of millions because you perceive them to be anti your political agenda.
I know that’s the extreme interpretation of your post, but as I said, it’s a gilbertrian bullshit comment, and I’m tired, and I think it sucks.