
Overnight Open Thread

realwest3/31/2009 7:39:17 am PDT

re: #636 Kenneth OK, you WIN! I posted Napolitano’s stupid fucking comments as satire and expected folks out here to take it as such.
However You’ve persuaded me. We need a solid wall between us and Canada. Limit Canadian immigration to no more than, say, 10,000 a year and then only if they meet the most stringent security requirements.
I was wrong, Ok? I really thought Canada was an ally, not some government propped up with narco money and in fear of being toppled by narco terrorists which NEEDED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION to the USA as a safety valve for it’s continuing failure to take care of it’s people. That it wasn’t employing Canadians as Coyotes to bring arms and terrorists across the border to the US. Ok, eh?!