
The Bob Cesca Show: The Youth Movement in the Wake of Parkland

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈2/20/2018 6:29:28 pm PST

re: #72 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I’ve been reading a lot of FARK lately; I don’t know why… I must have a masochistic streak in me. Anyways, a lot of the commenters are saying something along the lines of, “If the gun-fuckers don’t compromise on this, give us at least SOME kind of partial weapons ban, then eventually the tide will turn and they will get ALL their gunz taken away.” I don’t think that will ever happen, unfortunately, but I can definitely see the day where their position is weakened to the point where they will have to agree to whatever we demand - short of a total gun ban - because they were too goddamn stubborn to see that they were in the wrong, that they valued their guns over human lives.
