
Chas Freeman's Paranoid Statement

dhg43/11/2009 8:45:47 am PDT

re: #64 Ayatollah Ghilmeini

Let’s look at the record:

ADL- silent
AIPAC- silent ( I have a friend very, very high up in AIPAC’s leadership, he is almost embarrassed for Freeman.)
Council of Presidents of Major Jewish Orgs- Silent
Malcolm Hoenlein, arch defender of Israel and head of said council- silent
United Jewish Charities- nothin’
Hadassah- you should ask?
OU- nu ve didn’t say a verd (transliterated from the yiddish)
Young Israel- we were celebrating Purim, who had time for this schmuck?
Jewish Theological Seminary- Didn’t our congregants vote for Obama?
Amit Women, we didn’t like him but did nothing
B’nai Brith- silent

The following nobodies did have opinions:

J-Street- we were pushing for him!
Tikkun- we were celebrating the Obama 8 year plan and hoping Comrade Freeman would work with us in immantizing the workers’ eschaton
NY Times- Chas Freeman’s credentials on Israel and freedom were impeccable
Republican Jewish Coalition- this mighty group with tremendous access to the administration and the Democratic controlled congress criticized some of Freeman’s comments and questioned his fitness for the post.

Either the entire Zionist conspiracy on him using secret dark magic juju or this fella dinged himself.

I gave the NY Times credit for its reporting that AIPAC played no role in the Freeman controversy right after it quoted him going on about the nefarious “lobby.”