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NJDhockeyfan4/02/2013 7:35:20 am PDT

This is interesting.

Anonymous hackers claim to have stolen 15,000 passwords from North Korea’s Uriminzokkiri site

A hacker, or hackers, purporting to be part of the Anonymous group claim to have got their hands on more than 15,000 passwords belonging to users of, one of North Korea’s primary sites on the Internet.

An anonymously written note – first spotted by the North Korea Tech blog — makes the claim, and discloses what are said to be six sample user records for the site, which is run out of China.

The posting, which is in English, boldly demands that Kim Jong-un resigns and installs free democracy in the country. It also calls on the country to stop its commitment to nuclear weapons and introduce universal Internet access for its citizens. According to the note, the hacker/hackers have access to the country’s local intranets, mail servers and Web servers and are promising to wreak more havoc later this month as part of the Anonymous #OpFreeKorea campaign.

“First we gonna wipe your data, then we gonna wipe your badass dictatorship ‘government’”, the statement says.

Looking at the names of the email addresses of the half a dozen supposed leaks, three appear to be Korean, with the other three Chinese.

I wonder how much damage this group can do to Lil Kim with the information it claims it has?